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A Twist In The Tale: May 2022

'A Twist In The Tale' programme cover

'First Night Nerves' by Damian Trasler, David Lovesey, Steve Clarke and Brian Two (TLC Creative)

The gang are preparing for opening night, but just what are they letting themselves in for?

'Bang, You're Dead!' by Paul Reakes

Lydia is relaxing and waiting for her husband to return home for a birthday celebration in this dark comedy.

'Two Barmen' by Damian Trasler and David Lovesey (TLC Creative)

Dan and Jim are closing the pub up for the night, with jokes so awful that they surely must be good!

'Last Tango In Little Grimley' by David Tristram

The failing local am dram society are determined to go out on a high, on the basis that there's only one thing that really sells tickets these days - really sells tickets... Just what on earth have they got planned?!


Scroll down for photos, cast and crew.

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First Night Nerves Bang, Your're Dead!
Daphne: Annabelle Butcher Lydia: Amy Knight
Daisy: Caitlin McPolin Marcus: Dominic Pinkham
Bonnie: Halle Bailiss Theo: Tim Travers
Wendy: Amy Knight Miss Trim: Dorcas Henderson
Dave: Connor McPolin Director: Valerie Pinkham
Director: Rosie Gilding  
Two Barmen Last Tango In Little Grimley
Jim: Stacey Butcher Gordon: Gregory Pope
Dan: Shai Balding Bernard: Trevor Key
Duck: Connor McPolin Joyce: Dorcas Henderson
Peanuts: Halle Bailiss Margaret: Hannah Jackson
Jukebox: Caitlyn McPolin  
Director: Rosie Gilding  
Production Team  
Technical Director: Malcolm Barham  
Prompt: Gill Golding  
Front of House, Bar and Refreshments: Friends and Members  
Poster and Programme: James Travers  
Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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